Human development and 家庭 science professor and students in a classroom



威尼斯人app下载的人类发展和家庭科学学士学位为学生提供了在各个领域获得职业生涯的技能. 专业要求和课程设置, 哪些课程强调理论的高度重视, 研究, 和应用程序, 为学生在各种相关领域以及研究生院的有意义和成功的人类发展和家庭科学事业做好准备.

The interdisciplinary human development and 家庭 science major allows students to delve deeper within issues of relationships, 家庭, 社区, society and culture while critically examining the dynamic transaction of human life and the environment. It combines elements from the psychology and sociology areas with a focus on human development, 家庭的发展, 和社会/文化. 


The human development and 家庭 science degree requires 44 credits specific to the major. Students will also need to complete a total of 32 credits required to fulfill the Integrative Core requirements. Students interested in pursuing people-focused careers working directly with individuals, children and families are encouraged to pursue a human development and 家庭 science degree.

Mount Union的人类发展和家庭科学学位结合了各种实践学习经验,包括通常只在研究生水平上发现的真人动作角色扮演, 研究机会和实习机会.

  • 课程


    With a broad-base of knowledge that crisscrosses the fields of psychology and sociology, 威尼斯人app下载的人类发展和家庭科学专业将为您在几个不同领域的研究生和专业学校的高级学习做好准备,包括:

    • 人类发展
    • 临床心理咨询
    • 婚姻家庭治疗



    心理学系的使命, 神经科学, 和人类发展是发展和维持学术课程和课外活动,帮助学生获得该领域的广泛知识基础, acquire the intellectual and communication skills necessary to participate in these fields as scientists and practitioners, 培养鼓励个人实现的特质, 有意义的工作和负责任的公民.



    • 心理学系, 神经科学, 和人类发展提供课程, 项目, and experiences that foster the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and comprehension of the major concepts, 理论观点, 历史趋势, and empirical findings to discuss how psychological principles apply to behavioral problems. Students completing foundation courses should demonstrate breadth of their knowledge 和应用程序 of psychological ideas to simple problems; students completing a baccalaureate degree should show depth in their knowledge 和应用程序 of psychological concepts and frameworks to problems of greater complexity.


    • 心理学系, 神经科学, 和人类发展提供课程, 项目, 以及使学生在该领域发展科学推理和解决问题能力的经验, 包括有效的研究方法. Students completing foundation-level courses should learn basic skills and concepts in interpreting behavior, 学习研究, and applying 研究 design principles to drawing conclusions about psychological phenomena; students completing a baccalaureate degree should focus on theory use as well as designing and executing 研究 plans.


    • 心理学系, 神经科学, 和人类发展提供课程, 项目, 以及使学生在这一领域发展技能的经验,包括在一个涉及日益多样化的环境中发展职业和个人的道德和社会责任行为. 完成基础课程的学生应该熟悉管理心理学职业道德的正式规定,并开始接受有助于在工作环境中取得积极成果的价值观,并建立一个对多元文化和全球关注作出反应的社会. 完成学士学位的学生应该有更多直接的机会来展示对专业价值观的坚持,这将有助于他们优化自己的贡献并有效地工作, 即使是那些不分享他们的遗产和传统的人. 这个学习目标也促进了个人和专业价值观的采纳,这些价值观可以加强社区关系和贡献.


    • 心理学系, 神经科学, 和人类发展提供课程, 项目, and experiences that foster the acquisition of competence in writing and in oral and interpersonal communication skills. Students completing foundation-level courses should write a cogent scientific argument, 用科学的方法呈现信息, 参与心理学概念的讨论, 解释别人的想法, 清晰地表达自己的想法. Students completing a baccalaureate degree should produce a 研究 study or other psychological project, 解释科学结果, 并将信息呈现给专业观众. They should also develop flexible interpersonal approaches that optimize information exchange and relationship development.


    • 心理学系, 神经科学, 和人类发展提供课程, 项目, and experiences that emphasize an application of psychology-specific content and skills, 有效的自我反省, 项目管理技能, 团队合作技能, 以及职业准备. Foundation-level outcomes concentrate on the development of work habits and ethics to succeed in academic settings. The skills in this goal at the baccalaureate level refer to abilities that sharpen student readiness for postbaccalaureate employment, 研究生院, 或者专业学校. These skills can be developed and refined both in traditional academic settings and in extracurricular involvement. In addition, career professionals can be enlisted to support occupational planning and pursuit.


  • 从实践经验中学习

    威尼斯人app下载选择人类发展和家庭科学专业的学生有充足的机会获得宝贵的实践经验, 课堂外的体验式学习机会对毕业后成功的职业生涯至关重要,比如真人角色扮演, 研究, 以及实习机会.

    Live-Action-Role-Plays are incorporated into the human development and 家庭 science major requirements and curriculum, 特别是在基于治疗的课程中. 通常只在研究生阶段出现, 这是威尼斯人app下载人类发展和家庭科学学位课程的独特之处,允许学生参与真人角色扮演,要求学生在工作咨询和社会实验室中应用他们在课堂上学到的理论技术. 

    研究 allows you to analyze and investigate areas that you’re most interested in. 人类发展与家庭科学专业 students at Mount Union have the following 研究 opportunities:

    • 独立研究
    • 与老师或同学一起研究
    • 荣誉项目
    • 研究型课程

    到他们大四的时候, students pursuing a human development and 家庭 science degree will have developed and implemented a 研究 study from the ground-up, 包括建立一个初始假设, 招募样本, 收集数据, 分析数据并给部门做正式的报告. 这种高级体验通常与学生感兴趣的领域有关,通常是在一个小工作组中与同龄人一起完成的. 


    工会的山 心理学俱乐部, 一个由学生领导的校园组织, is a fun and interesting way for students and faculty to interact outside of the classroom. 通过加入心理学俱乐部, you’ll have the opportunity to hear presentations from professionals in the field, discuss 研究生院 and jobs as well as attend social activities. The club also sponsors informational trips to local facilities and service agencies. 它对所有学生开放,不分专业,其目的是鼓励和促进心理科学的研究,同时激发对该领域专业方面的兴趣.

    Psi气, 国际心理学荣誉学会, 成立于1929年,以“鼓励, stimulate and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, 尤其是在心理学方面, 并推动心理学的发展.12月10日,Mount Union成立了Psi气校园分会, 2000, 每年有近30名学生加入. 虽然活动多种多样, many are designed to stimulate professional growth by creating a fellowship with other psychology professionals across the globe. 本章提供机会促进个人研究的参与,并奖励专业领导素质的成就.

